Carbondale, Ill. – Ray Lenzi, Democratic candidate for Illinois’ 12th District congressional seat, has picked up the endorsement of the Sierra Club, a national organization devoted to protecting America’s environment.
“Our campaign is very pleased to have the backing of the Sierra Club and its 3.8 million members and supporters,” said Lenzi. “It’s recognition that our positions on the environment, global warming and alternative fuels are in the best interests of the people of the 12th District and indeed the entire nation.”
In making their endorsement, the Sierra Club wrote, “We look forward to working with you to protect America’s air, water and land for our families and our future.”
The Sierra Club is committed to promoting clean energy solutions that will move the nation towards a safe and clean energy future built on energy efficiency, clean energy and American innovation.
“These goals match perfectly with what out campaign stands for,” Lenzi noted. “The people in the 12th District are proud of their heritage when it comes to the environment and responsible use of natural resources. If elected, I’ll make sure those voices are heard in Washington.”
The Lenzi campaign has also won endorsements from the Illinois Federation of Teachers, the United Steelworkers union, the national Indivisible organization, Mom’s Demand Action, LEAP Forward, the Sunrise Movement, Our Revolution Downstate, and the Illinois branch of the Sierra Club.

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