Op Ed : Bost Ducks Debates

Op Ed : Bost Ducks Debates

by Raymond Lenzi, Democratic candidate for Congress in Illinois’ 12th District

Elections are about choosing a future. Our campaign wants to talk about the choices we have for the future. Just a week ago the “We the People” Lenzi Campaign for Congress publicly challenged incumbent Mike Bost to a series of debates (after already posting this challenge to him by certified mail) while raising a number of issues, including healthcare, climate change and the minimum wage. We raised a number of issues regarding differences of opinion on matters of healthcare, climate change and the minimum wage and support for the Heroes Act and state and local jobs for teachers, firemen, police and essential workers.
We now renew our challenge for debates in all twelve counties of the district, a challenge any candidate with the courage of their convictions and confidence of their record would not ignore. We repeat our challenge which will be unending through the course of this campaign. Mr. Bost, you issued the exact same challenge when you first ran for state office back in 1994 against Democratic state representative Gerald Hawkins. If it was a fair challenge to then incumbent Hawkins what is the problem now?
As everyone knows, the country faces serious issues, especially now with the health and economic impacts of the corona virus crisis. The disbanding of the Pandemic Task Force left us exposed to this lethal virus and has now left over 100,000 dead as well as an economic catastrophe. We need a comprehensive reform of our commitment to public health in the wake of this disaster. Can we discuss this in an open forum, virtual or face-to-face as the times will dictate?
Other issues are also urgent. We have not had an increase in the minimum wage or an infrastructure bill in more than 12 years. In the wake of 40 million unemployed we are going to need a big infrastructure and clean energy jobs program. We hear from so many people who say: “Bost has been in office too long, he’s out of touch, doesn’t care about the people, cares only about Big Pharma and his 1 % donor base.” More and more we are hearing this and it appears to be true. Prove us wrong. Let’s you and I commit to debating these issues in every county in our district. How about it? What are you afraid of?