Ray Lenzi claims victory in 12th District Congressional race

Ray Lenzi claims victory in 12th District Congressional race

Carbondale, Ill. – Ray Lenzi today claimed victory in the race for the Democratic nomination to Illinois’ 12th district Congressional seat.
“It was a long night of watching the returns come in,” said Lenzi. “We had to wait until this morning to get the complete unofficial totals.”
With all 649 precincts reporting, Lenzi has 27,296 votes. His opponent Joel Funk tallied 25,522.
“It was a very close race,” Lenzi said. “Both sides worked very hard but in the end, only one campaign was going to emerge victorious. My congrats to Joel Funk and his staff for running a fair and positive campaign.
“Our win tonight shows that the voters of the 12th District believe in and support the three mantras of the “We the People” Lenzi for Congress campaign and movement: First, ”Forward not Backward.” Second, We the People – We the Majority. Third, The Times they are a’ changing – It’s Time to Retire Mike Bost.

Now, we have three questions for Mike Bost:
1) Will you support a move to keep special interests and dark and dirty money out of 12th District politics by signing a pledge to cap spending in this race at 500 thousand dollars? The voters of this district would like to see special interest money out of our politics. Please stand with the people, not with a donor base of the super-rich.

2) Will you agree to meet me in 12 face-to-face Lincoln-Douglas style debates in each of the district’s 12 counties? Please stand with the people who want a full and open discussion of the critical issues of healthcare, climate crisis action and women’s rights and end your practice of “No Show Mike” hiding behind fake town hall meetings.

3) Will you publicly call for the reversal of the Trump administration policy of defunding and dismantling the National Security Council (NSC) Pandemic Task Force and getting proper funding for the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), National Institutes of Health (NIH) and World Health Organization (WHO)?
We are demand that Bost stand with the people of the 12th District in calling for honest and competent government by proposing these reforms in our pandemic preparedness policy.